BC Unclaimed property

Welcome to BC Unclaimed Money Database Search!

Are you curious if you have any unclaimed money or assets whose current or last known address is in the province of British Columbia? Look no further! Our user-friendly and secure online database allows you to search for and potentially reclaim any unclaimed funds that may be rightfully yours. 

How does it work? It’s simple! 

  1. Start by entering your name or the name of the individual you are searching for in the Asset owner name field below (e.g. Jane Doe or just the surname alone).  To search for an entity (e.g. corporation, partnership), enter all or a portion of the entity name (e.g. 123 Company Inc or 123).
  2. Review the search results if one or more matches associated with the name you entered are found.  Only the name(s) of the asset owner(s) and the date(s) of the asset(s) will be displayed alphabetically.

Our database is regularly updated to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness so even if you’ve searched before, it’s worth checking again as new unclaimed funds may have been added.  We’re committed to helping you reunite with your forgotten assets! 

If you need any assistance during the search process or have questions about claiming your unclaimed funds, our support team is available to help.  Please contact us via phone at 1 (587) 885-0960 or Toll-Free 1 (888) 290-1175 or submit your inquiry and we’ll be happy to provide guidance and support. 

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