TransAlta FAQ
TRANSALTA FAQ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who is Odyssey Trust Company? Odyssey is a full-service transfer agent and trust company with offices across Canada and the US, and Co-agents in London, Hong Kong and Australia. We’re here to make things simple, fast and easy for our clients and their shareholders. Where are my shares now? If […]
Test Financial Statement Request Form
Financial Statement Request Thank you for reaching out. Please fill out the below financial statement request form. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Enter the name or ticker of the company you wish to receive financial statements for *— Select One —Test Issue […]
Lost Securityholders FAQ
LOST SECURITY-HOLDERS The SEC rule 17Ad-17 governs the maintenance and preservation of records within the securities industry. Odyssey, as a transfer agent and registrar for many corporations and other issuers of securities, is required to exercise reasonable care to ascertain the correct address of securityholder accounts by conducting searches to locate lost securityholders. For various […]
New Client – Registered Plans Forms
new registered plans account Thank you for reaching out. Please answer a couple of questions to help us prepare the appropriate form package for you.
Client Information Form
client information form Thank you for contacting Odyssey. We look forward to welcoming you as a new client. Are you filling in this form for yourself or on behalf of an entity? Individual I am directly using Odyssey’s products and services as an individual and not on behalf of an entity or trust. Entity I […]
Client Information Form (Individual)
client information form
Identification by Agent – CAN
Certificate of Incumbency
Certificate of Incumbency
Beneficial Ownership Form
Client Beneficial Ownership Form
Secure Document Upload (Entity)
Step 2: secure document upload